Tuesday 6 September 2022

Request for footpath closure extension at Hesleden

Regular readers of these pages will be aware that the company currently removing materials from the former pit heap site in Hesleden has submitted another planning application to the council seeking consent to extend the operation for an additional ten years. 

Full details can be found in an article published on this site earlier this year:

Sunday 6 March 2022https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2022/03/hesleden-pit-heap-timeline-of.html

In a related development Stacey and I were notified recently of a request from the company for an extension to the footpath closure order for an additional six months starting from the end of this month. In response I have suggested that the request be refused for the time being, at least until the planning application has been determined by the planning committee in due course. The planning process has dragged on for some time now and hopefully this might help to move things along to a point where a decision will be made on the future of the pit heap site.   

I'll update on progress with this issue, along with further updates on the main planning application mentioned above. In the meantime if you would like to submit any comments as part of the public consultation element of the planning process you can do so using this direct link: https://www.durham.gov.uk/article/8276/View-and-comment-on-current-planning-applications

**UPDATE** Despite my comments above I’ve been copied in to an email to the developer confirming that the footpath extension to 29 March 2023 has been authorised by the traffic regulations office. Details here:

Hello Paul


Further top your request below, find attached confirmation of the authorised closure of Footpath No 24 Hesleden until 29/3/23.

Any further request for extension should be made by no later than 28/2/23.

Additional info can be found at https://one.network/?tm=GB127957022



Steven Galloway

Traffic Regulations Supervisor