Wednesday 17 August 2022

Update on the campaign to defend a popular local business against eviction

Last week I published an article on these pages about the plight of a popular local trader who is facing possible eviction from his plot because of an ongoing 'review' being carried out by the council. Full background details can be found here: 

Since then I’ve made repeated requests for the council to explain the rationale behind the review, yet so far the council has declined to provide any additional information. 

Although it’s standard practice for an authority to carry out any review it chooses to I don’t think it’s acceptable for the council to do so without explaining the reasoning behind it. In addition I’m concerned that there has been no provision for consultation to allow local councillors or members of the public to feed into the review and show their support for anyone who might be adversely affected by the final outcome - in this particular case that’s Fred Davies and his mobile hot food business on the picnic area at Blackhall Rocks.

However, despite the council’s refusal to set out the reasons for the review, or even let us know what they hope to achieve from it, the campaign to keep Fred and his business on site has really picked up pace recently. 

Local residents and visitors alike have contacted the council over the past week to express their concerns about the shabby way they feel Fred is being treated by the council. There have also been many supportive comments made on social media, and Fred has set up a petition for local people to register their support.

In addition, we heard this week that local MP Grahame Morris has thrown his support behind the campaign to keep Fred at the Blackhall Rocks picnic site. He too has submitted a letter of support to the council department dealing with the review.

Finally, I’ve been in touch today with a reporter from a local free and online newspaper who is keen to pick up on Fred’s story and raise its profile across a wider audience - so keep a look out for an article in the next edition of the East Durham Life newspaper.

We’ll persist with the campaign until we get the answers Fred deserves and members of the public demand. Until then please consider joining us in urging the council to see sense and leave Fred to continue with his business on the Blackhall Rocks picnic area. 

This campaign is about so much more than standing up for a popular local business at risk of being refused permission to trade. It’s about actively showing support for a well-respected business at a time when many are falling by the wayside. And in a broader sense it’s about attracting visitors to our beautiful coastline and sustaining our local businesses and services too - helping our communities to thrive on the visitor economy if it’s allowed to take root and grow.