Tuesday 16 August 2022

Untidy pathway and embankment on the B1281

I’ve been contacted this week by residents concerned about the poor condition of the pathway and the unsightly soil embankment along its edge adjacent to the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery.

The embankment was constructed earlier this year by the the company building the new Hardwicke Place housing development on the opposite side of the road, and as the images show the soil frequently washes onto the pathway leaving it untidy and dangerous, especially in wet weather. Even under dry conditions the soil piled up by the side of the pavement has been left unseeded and has become covered in unsightly weeds, some growing into the pathway.

I’ve asked that this query is forwarded to the relevant section at DCC for their attention, with a specific request that the construction company responsible carries out remedial works as a matter of urgency.