Sunday 26 June 2022

The latest round-up of local issues

The past week has been another busy one. As usual I’ve dealt with the many private and personal issues that affect residents on a day-to-day basis, and at the same time I’ve addressed a lot of the usual local issues that in a wider context might seem relatively unimportant but in reality make a considerable difference to individuals and their communities.

Here are just a few of the issues I’ve been dealing with over the past week or so:

Early in the week I reported a couple of issues that have concerned some of the residents in and around Sawmill Avenue in Crimdon. Some of those matters have now been resolved, and whilst others were reported previously I’ve now received updates on progress:

Shortly before that I received a couple of complaints from residents in Kenber Hill about the poor condition of the roads and pavements in some of the streets following resurfacing works carried out recently at my request. An update received from the council’s highways department confirmed that the works were still ongoing and that any issues would be ironed out during the completion of the work cycle:

Similarly residents contacted me to let me know of their concerns about the damaged and badly worn road surface at The Crescent which runs around the back of St Andrew’s church near the bottom of Hesleden Road. I asked the highways department to carry out an inspection to gauge the severity of any defects and arrange for remedial works to be carried out accordingly. Following inspection it has been confirmed that works to repair the surface have been included in the current work programme:

And finally, although the fence and bushes falling into the pavement behind Primrose Court and Bluebell Close have been reported to the landowner via the council’s neighbourhood wardens recently there have been no repairs carried out. I’ve contacted the council again this weekend to ask what options are available to make this area safe if the landowner fails to take the necessary measures themselves. I’ll update as soon as I have a response from the service. 

There has been some confusion locally about the landowner responsible so I should make it clear that the Abbeyvale Care Home bears no responsibility for maintaining the fence or the bushes.