Wednesday 29 June 2022

Overgrowth on the coastal footpaths to be cut back

A couple of weeks ago a resident contacted me with a query about overgrowth on sections of the coastal pathway between Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon. There were also concerns expressed about overgrowth and obstructions at the stiles along the pathway. 

In response I contacted the countryside team and officers in the public rights of way (PROW) section to ask if they could carry out an inspection of the locations where the council had maintenance responsibility and then cut back the overgrowth where necessary. I have now received confirmation that works have been scheduled to take place:

Hi Cllr Crute,

A quick update on this one.

I visited the paths last week and have today submitted a referral for strimming of the coastal path and a section of permissive path. This includes the strimming of stiles and the steps which are starting to become obscured with surface vegetation.

I hope this helps.