Friday 3 June 2022

Abandoned bins, untidy back yards and other environmental issues

Bins abandoned in the back lanes at 3rd/4th Street and 6th/7th Street have been reported again for collection. For some reason known only to themselves there appears to be a problem with the council removing these bins - and as we know from recent experience in streets nearby they’re a prime site for harbouring rats and other vermin.

In addition, the incident of fly-tipping in the back lane between 4th/5th Street, reported last week for collection, has now been cleared and the owners of five separate properties in Fourth and Fifth Streets have been contacted by the neighbourhood wardens and pest control officers with a request that the rubbish accumulations in their back yards are cleared without delay. 

Hopefully the landlords/owners of these properties will respond quickly to this request because the last thing we need at this location is another site where rats and vermin can flourish.

I’ll keep a close watch on developments with these issues until they’ve been fully dealt with and I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the authorities.