Wednesday 16 March 2022

The planning process and how planning applications are decided

Over the past few weeks I’ve published several articles on this site about the background to a recently submitted planning application seeking an extension to the time allowed to remove spoil and minerals from the pit heap in Hesleden.

At an initial public meeting held in the village at the end of last month there were several questions raised about the planning application so I’ve asked the planning case officer and a representative of the developer to come along to a follow-up meeting tonight to answer questions direct from residents. Details of the first public meeting can be found here:

The meeting tonight is intended to give residents a full understanding of the proposal and its likely impact on the community. It will also help them when they submit their comments to the planning office as part of the public consultation exercise accompanying the planning application process. The meeting will be held in Hesleden WMC at 6.30pm tonight.

While Stacey and I were out promoting the meeting with leaflets last week I was asked by one or two residents about how planning applications are decided, so I thought it would be useful to post a link direct to the council’s website which sets out the planning process in full:

I intend to publish more details in the next few days about how to submit your comments on a planning application. In the meantime if you have any questions about the planning application or the process involved in making decisions on planning matters please make every effort to come along to the public meeting tonight.