Saturday 5 March 2022

Hesleden Pit Heap - Public Meeting arrangements

Last weekend a public meeting was held in Hesleden WMC to give residents the opportunity to raise any initial comments or queries about the recently submitted planning application seeking an extension to the time allowed for the removal of spoil from the pit heap in Hesleden. A brief personal summary of the meeting can be found in this link: 

The meeting was well attended by residents keen to know more about the potential implications of the proposals, and as usual in meetings of this type there were several questions that could only be answered by those closely involved in the development and in the planning application process. To help matters along I suggested during the meeting that a follow-up public meeting should be arranged to enable residents to put their questions directly to the planning case officer and a representative of the developer.

To this end I contacted the planning office and the developer during the week and both have agreed to attend a public meeting to field questions from residents. 

Subject to confirmation the meeting will be held at Hesleden WMC at 6.30pm on Wednesday 16 March 2022

Before then Stacey and I will distribute leaflets throughout the community to make sure everyone has the opportunity to attend and put their question and comments to the developer and the planning officer.

In order to prepare properly, and to give more full and meaningful answers on the night, the planning case officer has asked that wherever possible questions are submitted in advance of the meeting. Stacey and I will make arrangements to enable this, but in the meantime if you want to put your questions direct to the case officer Chris Shields he can be contacted at: