Friday 4 March 2022

Hesleden Pit Heap - Community Liaison Committee

I published a article on this site recently setting out details of a planning application seeking an extension to the time allowed to extract spoil from the pit heap in Hesleden. Details of the planning application and a personal report from the public meeting set up by residents and held last Sunday in Hesleden WMC can be found in this link:

Since the public meeting there have been enquiries from some residents about the purpose of the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) set up by the company to maintain links with local authorities, local councillors and residents themselves throughout the duration of the works.

In order to clarify the background to the CLC I’ve published below a brief outline received from the company consultant about how and why the group was established. 

I intend to publish the minutes from the six meetings of the CLC held since it was established, but in the meantime please note below a brief overview of the CLC as supplied by the company consultant:

The Community Liaison Committee was established for the following reasons and the Constitution is attached below for information.

CLC was established as a best practice in order to ensure that the local community has an understanding of the working practices of the site and that the operator is made aware of any issues or concerns that the local community may have. CLC provides a forum for communication between the operator and the local community. Such a forum shall seek to address any matters relating to the carrying out of the development which may occur at an early stage and to allow the operator to update the local community in relation to site progress.


Since the establishment of the Committee the following members have attended, as detailed on the attached minutes, and I have copied in the Committee members to this email.


Robert Surtees (RS) - B&S Recycling Ltd

Paul Davies (PD) – MD2 Consulting Ltd for B&S Recycling Ltd

Chris Shields (CS) (Planning Officer) - DCC Planning Department

Mike Tweddle(MT) – DCC Safety/Compliance Officer

Neil Thompson – (NT) Parish Councillor  

Lynda Wardle (LW) – Monk Hesleden Parish Council – Chairperson (CLC)

Claire Brown(CB) – Hesleden Residents Association

John Olley (JO)– DCC Countryside

Paula Metcalfe (PM) – Hesleden Primary School

Barry Turnbull (BT) – Castle Eden Parish Council

Cllr Rob Crute (RC) – County Councillor

Owen Shaw (OS)  - DCC Public Rights of Way Officer

Darryl Cox (DC)  - DCC Parks and Countryside

Cllr Lynn Pounder (LP) - County Councillor

Ian Goodwin (IG) -  Durham PCSO

Dawn Dunn (DD)  - (Headmistress – Hesleden Primary School)

Ross Carrick (RC) - DCC Countryside Ranger

Joanne Collins (JC) – Castle Eden Parish Council

John Olley (JO) – DCC Countryside Ranger

Paula Metcalfe (PM) – Hesleden Primary School

Cllr Mary Wilmer (MW) – Chair of Castle Eden Parish Council

Rev. Susan Richardson (SR) – Hesleden Methodist Church


The Committee has had 6 meetings since the commencement of the project which have been minuted.


During COVID and the imposed restrictions the meetings did not take place however as COVID restrictions have just been lifted the meetings will recommence.


During COVID we had a continuous dialogue with Cllr Rob Crute who passed on any information from the community and we are in constant dialogue with Durham County Council. Mike Tweddle (DCC Safety/Compliance Officer) undertakes regular site visits and also produces quarterly monitoring reports.