Wednesday 24 November 2021

Closed churchyard and cemetery inspections

I've been notified by the council's bereavement services coordinator that the council is scheduled to carry out an inspection of headstones and memorials within the closed churchyards and cemeteries in parts of the Blackhall county division. 

Please note that this relates to 'closed' churchyards only and not operational ones currently in use for burials - and specifically includes the churchyards at the former St James' at Castle Eden and the former St Mary's at Monk Hesleden which was demolished in the 1960’s.

I've reproduced the notification in full below, along with a link for additional information on closed churchyard and cemetery inspections:

Good Afternoon Cllrs,

Please note, as per the current national Health & Safety regulations, it is Durham County Council’s intention, to carry out an Inspection of all Headstones and Memorials, within the closed Churchyard or Local Cemetery within your area, or particular Cemetery, as soon as possible after 14 days of this notification.

It may be also become necessary; to carry out remedial work where appropriate on the memorials, where there is no family member available to carry out such works.

We appreciate the need, for you to be aware of this necessary action, in order to alert the local people, or answer their legitimate and understandable enquires, as they become aware of what is happening in their local Cemetery / Churchyard.

Please click on the link below for further information