Monday 26 July 2021

Littering at Crimdon Beach

I was contacted today by residents concerned about the amount of rubbish left at some locations on the beach recently. I’ve raised this matter with the countryside team and they have confirmed that it will be removed by tomorrow at the latest.

Following similar concerns raised with the countryside team earlier this year officers have also confirmed that signage will be erected at this location directing visitors to take their litter off the beach with them and dispose of it in the bins provided.

Hi Rob, after on-site meeting last week we are looking at putting in permanent metal signage at the main access points along the beach. This may take a little time to get the necessary design and agreement with Coastal Heritage but we hope this will be feasible and in place ASAP.

In the meantime if you’re visiting Crimdon soon please respect the environment and take your litter home with you or leave it in one of the many bins along the promenade.