Sunday 25 July 2021

Hutton Henry Parish Council’s ‘Meet & Greet’ Event

Stacey and I had a fantastic time yesterday meeting residents from Station Town and Hutton Henry as part of their parish council’s first ‘Meet and Greet’ event, held at St Francis’ Village Hall in Hutton Henry to introduce their recently elected parish councillors and their new clerk to the community. 

For our part as local county councillors we got to talk to dozens of residents about the things they liked about their villages and the things they would like to see improved. These ranged from pothole and pavement repairs to more complex issues around health, housing, highways and employment. We also got the opportunity to meet representatives from the main local organisations in the two villages who work so hard every day to keep the people and their communities engaged and connected.

We’ll now spend the next few days making enquires on behalf of residents and contacting officers at the local authority and their partner agencies to make a start on addressing some of the issues raised by the people of Hutton Henry, Station Town and the surrounding area.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank the chair and clerk of Hutton Henry Parish Council for taking the initiative in organising this event and for inviting us along to meet them and the residents and key organisations in the parish council area.

If you couldn’t get along to the event yesterday and would like to raise any issues with us please get in touch at:

Rob: or Stacey: