Monday 24 May 2021

Access steps to Crimdon beach

Following concerns expressed over the weekend by members of the public about the poor condition of the access steps onto the beach at Crimdon the countryside/coastal team has confirmed this afternoon that repairs are scheduled to be carried out as soon as consent is received from Natural England.

This is the message received from the countryside officer:

Hi Rob, we are in the process of gaining Assent for approval from Natural England to repair the steps hoping its not too long a process and we can proceed as quickly as possible.

In this context please note below an update received last month from the countryside officer:

Hi Rob, a meeting was held this morning with Natural England to discuss the repair of the steps they are happy for us to carry out the work however we need an assent due the site being a SSSI. We will proceed with the process as quickly as possible we also hope to put in place further fencing as the dune system around and just beyond the steps are eroding badly. 

I’ll report on progress as and when I receive further updates from the countryside team.