Thursday 29 April 2021

Access to Park Avenue to be restricted in response to residents’ safety concerns

Last year residents in Park Avenue, along with a number of pedestrians, expressed concerns that the alley running along the middle of the street was being used as a short-cut by vehicles. The primary concern was that cars and vans were crossing the public footpaths at the top and bottom of Park Avenue - both on busy walking routes to and from the nearby Blackhall Colliery Primary School. 

Along with the parish clerk I contacted officers in the highways section at Durham County Council and asked them to consider ways of putting a stop to this dangerous practice. In response we received confirmation this week that lockable bollards are to be installed at either end of the alley to restrict access to utility workers only:

Dear Cllr Crute – sorry for the delay in responding. 

I have been dealing with Durham Police to review the issues where **** is driving over the footpath to access. 

The Highway Inspector has visited the site and took photographs of vehicles that illegally accessed a driveway by driving over the footpath and this is what is causing the complaints. The resident who made the original complaint has also informed that there are a number of other vehicles regularly using the footpath and are causing a safety risk to pedestrians. 

The police have confirmed that they have no requirements to use the footpath for emergency response reasons. Therefore, there is no reason for any vehicle, other than those required to repair the street lights or the footpath, to access the footpath. 

With this in mind we will serve notice on the **** illegally driving on the footpath to inform that it is our intention to restrict vehicular access on the footpath by erecting bollards at each end of the footpath. Because the Council and utility companies may require access we will ensure that the bollards are lockable. 

I will liaise with the traffic team and update you with progress. 
