Wednesday 24 March 2021

Works to prevent flooding on Crimdon footpath

Last year I was contacted by a number of motorists and pedestrians concerned about the poor condition of the footpath on the A1086 Coast Road leading to and from the northbound bus stop halfway up the bank to the Evergreen Park entrance (pictured below).

It was reported that pedestrians were having to walk into the road to get to and from the bus stop, with the obvious risk each time of a collision with passing traffic.

I had been told that rainwater was soaking into the fields above the bank side and then gradually draining away onto the public footpath below, so I contacted officers in the highways assets and drainage departments at county hall with a request that they investigate the source of the water ingress and ensure that mitigation measures were taken as soon as possible.

I received confirmation this morning that works to redirect the flow of water were now completed and that a site inspection would be carried out soon by drainage engineers to ensure those measures have been effective.

As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating so I’ll report on progress as soon as I have an update from the drainage team.