Thursday 25 March 2021

Refuse and recycling issues in Blackhall

As some residents will be aware there have been problems recently with the refuse and recycling rounds in two or three specific locations in the Blackhall area.

As is common in these situations there are a number of factors combining to create problems so I’ve contacted the service to ask for a review into the latest issues - and more importantly how they will be put right again. I received the following response earlier this week from the crew supervisor:

Morning Rob, 

I will speak to the teams and find out what has been problem with these, my guess would be blocked access but I will confirm. What would be the normal with blocked access streets would be for driver to log on bartec then report to team leader for him to assist crew whilst still in area. 

Unfortunately due to busy period of holidays, extra shielding staff, sick and isolated staff all team leaders are out on wagons ensuring we complete rounds. This is not ideal and we are continually training drivers up from an agency to help with this but getting the right drivers in to drive a 26t vehicle needs to be carefully thought out through driver assessment as how dangerous driving these vehicles can be. 

Friday team leaders left rounds they were driving to ensure Shakespeare Avenue was collected as I know you were getting complaints from here but they then had to return back to rounds to complete. Also we have a lot of people working from home due to the pandemic and this means a huge amount of extra vehicles in street that wouldn't normally be there. 

We are trying our best in these unprecedented times and at times it has been really difficult, but hopefully once we have shielding staff back at the beginning of April and demands on holidays ease I will have team leaders back out sorting these kinds of problems. I will also ensure you are informed of missed streets in your ward with reasons why.

I have assured residents that I will continue to press the service to take whichever measures are necessary to avoid the disruption experienced during the past few weeks. In the meantime if your bin has not been emptied on the allotted day please report it to the council as soon as possible on: 03000 260000 or at: If you prefer you could let me know and I’ll ask the crew to check the onboard CCTV coverage to identify the issue. I can be contacted at: