Tuesday 27 October 2020

Application submitted to demolish Welfare Crescent garage blocks

After concerned residents got in touch with me a few weeks ago I published an article on this site regarding the poor and potentially dangerous condition of some of the vacant garage blocks at the Welfare Crescent garage site (please see post dated Wednesday 23 September 2020 for background details).

At the time I reported that housing group believe housing who own and manage the site had earmarked the two most badly damaged garage blocks for demolition. I have now received notification from the planning office at county hall confirming that the planning process has been triggered by the submission of a 'Prior Notification' application which proposes to demolish the garage blocks. I've published full details of the process below:

Application Ref: DM/20/03083/PND
Site Address: Garage Blocks Welfare Crescent Blackhall Colliery TS27 4LU
Proposal: Demolition of two detached garage blocks

I have received an application for Prior Notification in respect of the proposed demolition of the above building in your Electoral Division, which I thought it prudent to bring to your attention.

This is not an application for planning permission but a notification for the Council to see if prior approval is required for the method of demolition and site restoration.

The Council is required to respond within 28 days that either ‘prior approval is not required’ or ‘prior approval is required’, detailing what if any, additional information is required.

If no response is made in 28 days consent is deemed to have been given to carry out works in accordance with the information submitted.

I'll update on progress with this application as soon as I receive further information from the relevant agencies.