Monday 7 September 2020

Update on planning proposal to build 123 new homes in Blackhall Colliery

Earlier this year I published an article on this site giving an update on a previously submitted planning application seeking approval to build up to 123 new homes on land to the south of the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery (please see post dated Thursday 12 March 2020 for background details).

I have now received confirmation from the planning office that the additional information requested from the developer has been received, meaning that the planning application is complete and can now be considered for a decision. In addition I have written to the planning department at county hall with a revised version of my previously submitted comments on the proposals. I have published these comments below in full:

DM/19/01230/FPA: Proposed housing development, land south of the (B1281) Hesleden Road, Blackhall Colliery

I am generally supportive of the proposal to erect up to 123 dwellings on land to the south of Hesleden Road (B1281) in Blackhall Colliery as identified in the planning application, and I offer no specific objection providing the comments below are considered in full.

From comments received locally at ward surgeries and on social media platforms I note there is general support from residents and businesses in and around Blackhall Colliery. This is expressed mainly in terms of regeneration opportunity, potential investment, community sustainability, better housing choice, job creation and increased use of local facilities (shops and businesses etc). Many comments suggest that a development of this nature would be helpful in meeting local housing demand and also in sustaining the businesses and other services in the village and the surrounding area. 

In supporting those comments I also draw attention the submission made by the NHS in which they point out that the sustainability of local health services will rely on developer contributions and I support the notion that those contributions should be made under the terms set out in their submission.

In addition I feel that this development will present a greater choice of housing type to residents in our village and will also open up the housing market to younger local people and their families, offering them an opportunity to settle in their own community rather than having to migrate to other towns and villages. I also welcome the job opportunities offered by the developer as part of the development proposals.

I acknowledge that the number of properties proposed would be helpful in sustaining businesses and services in and around Blackhall. I also note there is sufficient capacity in our local schools to accommodate children from the proposed development. I see this as a welcome opportunity to both strengthen and sustain the schools in this part of my ward but again I refer to developer contributions as outlined above in sustaining our local health services.

However I also note that at the time of writing there have been four representations made by local residents raising concerns about the proposed development. I am advised by planners that some of those objections are non-material and therefore cannot be used to oppose a planning proposal (these include loss of view, potentially reduced property values and a preference for development elsewhere in the village). Other comments however relate to road safety, potentially increased light, noise and smoke pollution, the impact of a roundabout, harm to flora and fauna and risk of flooding. I would urge that these matters are considered during the decision making process unless they have been adequately addressed in detail elsewhere in the planning submission documents.

Consequently I would ask that the following points be taken into consideration when this proposal is considered as part of the determination process:

I note there have been flooding and drainage problems over the years in and around the development site and I believe that a tested, proven and effective flood management plan is essential to ensure that flood risk is eliminated entirely before construction commences.

I am aware of concerns about reports of speeding vehicles and an associated risk of traffic and pedestrian accidents on the stretch of the B1281 at Blackhall Colliery which runs along the northern edge of the development site. I share those concerns and I recognise the potential impact that access and egress issues at the development site might have in terms of an increased risk of accidents. 

For this reason I believe it is essential that appropriate street-lighting, traffic-calming and speed control measures are considered and agreed by all parties prior to determination. Further, I note that the illustrations in the appendices of the Travel Plan submitted by the developer make no reference to a roundabout at the access to the site. I agree with those residents who believe the installation of a roundabout is necessary to moderate traffic flows on the B1281 and I would urge that this provision is made explicit in the plans prior to determination, along with proposals to mitigate any potentially negative impacts as outlined in consultation submissions.

I also note comments relating to the public rights of way (PROWs) in and around the development site. Whilst the police submission is correct in suggesting that the site should be made secure against access from unnecessary public footways I would ask that the popular and historically well-used pathway to the west of the site (known locally as the dog track) is fully upgraded to ensure safe public access from the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery to Mickle Hill Road between Blackhall Rocks and High Hesleden. In addition, where the removal of trees and hedges cannot be avoided, I would ask that as a minimum they are replaced by at least the equivalent amount to offset the carbon footprint of the development.

I am also acutely aware of public concerns about existing traffic volumes and speeding vehicles on the B1281 between Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery, and the risk that additional traffic would present to pedestrians and other road users on an already busy road linking our communities to the A19 and beyond. Specifically I note that a considerable length of the B1281 between Hesleden and the Hardwicke Hall Manor House Hotel has no street lighting, leaving it completely blacked-out during hours of darkness. I share the concerns of local residents and businesses about a potential increase in the risk of accidents, particularly at the Hotel junction, and I would suggest that as a minimum street lighting is provided at this location, either by the developer or through an agreement between the developer and the local authority.

Cllr Rob Crute, Blackhall Division, Durham County Council

August 2020

Full details on this planning application can be found at: using the planning code DM/19/01230/FPA