Tuesday 14 July 2020

Residents demand action on disruptive tenants

Residents got in touch with me last night to express their anger and frustration at the unacceptable behaviour of successive of tenants at a property in Blackhall. 

I've contacted the Private Sector Housing office at county hall this morning to ask them to contact the properties' managing organisation to make them aware of the feelings of local tenants and also to invite representatives from the organisation to the village to meet with me and residents to explain how they intend to address the persistent problems associated with their property.

I've reproduced my correspondence below in full:

I was contacted last night by a number of residents from Hepscott Avenue and Coronation Avenue in Blackhall alarmed at the behaviour of the latest tenant of the NACRO-managed property in Hepscott Avenue. From the reports I received it appears the tenant made a nuisance of himself at the Esso service station nearby, leaving staff terrified. In addition he is reported to have forced his way into the home of a neighbour who understandably remains shaken and afraid. I’m advised that the police were involved.

Residents in neighbouring properties have had to contend with a series of issues connected with successive tenants at this property and they have come to the point that they are now demanding something be done about the way NACRO manages its tenants. I agree with them. The people of Blackhall are welcoming, and are always willing to help new neighbours settle in to village life, but they are asking me why they should have to put up with the constant upheaval caused by the unacceptable behaviour of disruptive tenants. I’m sure everyone would accept there are challenges along the way when offenders are working towards resettlement but this cannot be allowed to continue at the expense of the settled community.

I would be grateful if you could arrange for someone to contact NACRO as a matter of urgency to ensure that the organisation is aware of this latest incident, and also to determine which measures they intend to use to address the ongoing problems their tenants bring to this neighbourhood. Given the series of incidents associated with this property I believe a representative from NACRO should be invited to come to the village to meet with me, residents and officers from the private sector housing team to talk through these matters in more detail, and to assure residents that the measures they propose to put in place to manage their property and their tenants are guaranteed to put an end to the seemingly endless misery suffered by neighbours at the hands of disruptive tenants.

**UPDATE** By way of an update I've been informed that the tenant has had his tenancy revoked and will not be returning the this address. My thanks go to PCSO Ian Goodwin for his invaluable assistance with this matter.