Thursday 9 July 2020

Streetlighting in School Avenue, Blackhall Colliery

For some time I’ve been contacted by residents concerned at the lack of street lighting in the lane at School Avenue in Blackhall Colliery. Most people contacting me have expressed particular concern because the lane, which separates Blackhall Colliery Primary School from School Avenue, is frequently used by elderly residents along with school children and staff going to and coming from school, often during the hours of darkness.

School Avenue looking up towards West Street from the Resource Centre
I raised the issue with the regeneration and street lighting sections at county hall arguing that, as the location is in an urban area as defined by the county council’s street lighting policy, it should be illuminated. I received confirmation today that School Avenue will be closed for three days in August to enable engineers to install a street lighting column in the lane between West Street at the top and the Resource Centre at the bottom.

Please see below the notification I received from the highways section confirming that works are to begin next month:

I have been asked to process a temporary footpath closure on School Avenue, Blackhall Colliery for 3 days from 17 August 2020 for installation of new street lighting column works with the closure in place daily between 9.30 am - 3 pm.

An alternative route is available to pedestrian traffic from the north eastern side of closure in a south easterly direction on Middle Street (back), then south westerly on segregated footpath that runs from 1-29 Park Avenue, and vice versa.

I'll post a reminder closer to the date, but in the meantime I've been assured that all residents affected will be notified by letter in advance of the works commencing.