Friday 26 June 2020

Pathway Repair Requests Update

Regular readers of these pages, and followers of the Blackhall-Make a Difference Facebook page, will be well aware of my persistent requests for repairs to be carried out to three particularly badly damaged footpaths in and around Hesleden, Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon (please go to the post dated Tuesday 26 May 2020 for the latest details).

The condition of the pavements between Blackhall Rocks and High Hesleden, Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon and around Eden Cottages in Hesleden are particularly badly affected (I've received three separate complaints this week alone about the poor condition of the pathway surface between Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon).

Every time I've received a complaint from residents about the condition of pathways in our area I've submitted a request to the council for an inspection and for repairs to be carried out where required. I've been advised on each occasion by highways engineers at county hall that only those pathways considered by codified standards to be dangerous will be recommended for full structural repairs, while others may qualify for surface treatments, depending on condition.

This is a process led by national guidelines, it is followed by all highways authorities and it establishes a consistent approach to highways maintenance works. Where necessary however, when my requests for repairs have been declined, I've challenged the engineers' decision. Sometimes as a result they reverse their decision, but sometimes they don’t. You win some, you lose some.

However, the pathways referred to above are in such poor condition that I felt it necessary a few weeks ago to
invite a highways inspector to visit the area to see them for themselves, and also to meet with me afterwards to see if we can find a way forward. He agreed to come to Blackhall and after he'd been out on site to carry out his inspections he met with me and the parish clerk at the Resource Centre (socially distanced of course).

To cut a long story short the highways inspector has agreed to consider recommending a range of works at a number of the locations mentioned above. We are hopeful that repairs to the worst affected areas will be included in this year's works programme, but we won't know for certain until the highways inspector's report has been 'through the system'.

I'll update on progress as soon as I have a final report from the highways section at county hall. In the meantime, if you have concerns about these or other pathways in and around our villages please report them to the council at