Wednesday 13 May 2020

Road and Footpath Closures at Blackhall Colliery and Blackhall Rocks

Durham County Council has received notification of temporary road and footpath closures scheduled to take place later this month for a period of two weeks at Blackhall Rocks and Blackhall Colliery.

Please see full details below in correspondence received from the county council's highways department:

Various - Blackhall Rocks and Blackhall Colliery
Phased Temporary Footpath and Road Closures

An Order is being made under the provisions of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to close to pedestrian traffic from 8.00 am on Tuesday 26 May 2020 the following:  

1. 121 metre length of footpath on Meadow Avenue from the junction with Cemetery Road in a south easterly direction to 1 Meadow Avenue
2. a 116 metre length of footpath on Elizabeth Street from number 1 in a south easterly direction to number 33
3. a 101 metre length of footpath on Hepscott Avenue from number 1 in a north easterly direction to number 22
4. a 67 metre length of footpath on Aspatria Avenue from number 1 in a south westerly direction to number 25 and a request for the closure to vehicular traffic of the following:
5a 127 metre length of carriageway on Coronation Avenue from junction with Coast Road in a north easterly direction to number 22 Coronation Avenue

The phased closures are necessary to enable excavation and installation of Virgin Media duct works to be undertaken and are required from Tuesday 26 May 2020 and for the duration of the works anticipated to be 2 weeks.   

Throughout the period of closure, alternative routes will be available for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.