Thursday 7 May 2020

Household Waste Recycling Centres (skips) to re-open

Following revised government guidance recently on how and when Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) might re-open we have received notification that skip sites across the county are scheduled to re-open from Monday 18 May.

We've published in full below the advice we've received from the county council:

Household Waste Recycling Centres

You will be aware that in compliance with the “stay at home” regulations, nearly all Councils nationally had their Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) closed. Last week  the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government announced that he will be asking councils to reopen their facilities over the coming weeks. The guidance to accompany this has now been received. It does not set a date for the opening of sites, and leaves this to each local authority to determine. It emphasises that householders should only take waste to a HWRC if it cannot be stored safely at home and no alternative disposal options are available.

In anticipation of the guidance, the Council has been working with our contractor, HW Martins to consider the practicalities of re-opening. As a large Council, this means developing plans over each of its twelve sites. Consideration includes the following:

  • Range of materials that can be collected and stored (recycling markets are currently struggling, and many supply chains need renegotiating).
  • On site arrangements to ensure social distancing (limiting the numbers of vehicles on site, ensuring space on walkways, reconfiguring lay-out, signage).
  • Training of staff, PPE and washing facilities as well as changes to user practices, such as no assistance to be provided in lifting items out of vehicles.
  • External traffic management – some of our sites risk spillage onto main highway or blocking access for key businesses/services. This element of work includes highway signage, consultation with and advice from the Police.
I am pleased to confirm that we are planning to have all twelve facilities open, with a maximum range of materials, for Monday 18th May. I do appreciate that some Councils, possibly with fewer sites, or different supply chains, or restrictions on waste types/vehicles may open slightly earlier, however the Government guidance does make it clear that a risk assessment should be in place for both staff and householders, and it is vital that we get this right. I will advise closer to that date regarding opening times, and am pleased to confirm in addition to cars without restriction,  we are able to take vans, pickup, minibus or vehicles towing a trailers providing they have an electronic permit – a system that has been in place for the last two years.  

I hope that this does address what will be a common query from your constituents, especially given the national profile of this topic. Whilst some Councils are proposing an appointment or selective (eg number plate) system, we want to have the new opening as close to normal as we can, and provide maximum flexibility. This requires the implementation of robust traffic management systems, currently subject to Police consultation, which we can scale up or down according to demand at each site.

Bulky Goods Collection Service

Whilst the reopening of household waste sites will be welcomed by many, for those without use of a vehicle it provides no relief. You will be aware that the bulky goods collection service has needed to be suspended, and deployed to assist the main refuse and recycling rounds.

We have needed to give careful consideration to the safety considerations of recommencing this service, especially for larger items requiring two people to lift. I am pleased to confirm however that following national guidance, and with the provision of personal protective equipment we have been able to develop safe working procedures. As a result we are able to take bookings for this service from Tuesday 12th May, with the first appointments for collection itself starting on 18th May. The website will be changed over the next few days and from Tuesday residents can either book online ( or contact 03000 260000.