Sunday 23 February 2020

Police and Communities Together tackle crime

In an article on this blog last month we reported on a number of crimes and anti-social behaviour incidents that took place in the towns and villages in our area prior to the January Blackhall PACT meeting (please see post titled Notes From the Blackhall PACT Meeting - January 2020 for background details). 

Since then Peterlee Police have posted two updates on Facebook:

On Sunday 16 February 2020 Peterlee Police posted on social media that:

Following a spate of burglaries and other crimes in the Peterlee, Horden and Blackhall areas, we have identified a number of persons who are suspected of being responsible.

At present, one has been arrested and charged with various offences including burglary, and investigations are ongoing into further suspects and offences. 

We would like to thank members of the public for information which has lead to this result.

On Friday 21 February 2020 Peterlee Police posted an update:

Further to this post (above) we can now confirm that 5 persons have been arrested and charged, with 4 of these being remanded to court. 

Again many thanks to members of the public for providing information which has lead to this result.

Whilst there is still some way to go in securing justice for the victims of crime it looks likely that this outcome alone will vindicate the approach adopted by the police, their partners and local residents. At the very least it shows that under difficult circumstances the system can work when the police and neighbourhood teams work together with organised communities to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in our towns and villages.

Let’s hope the courts and the criminal justice system now play their part in delivering justice for our communities and victims of crime.