Monday 19 August 2019

Repair works to damaged wall at Hillcrest Place scheduled to begin this week

Last week officers from Durham County Council and Believe Housing (formerly known as the County Durham Housing Group) confirmed that works to repair the damaged wall at the former garage site at Hillcrest Place in Hesleden were scheduled to begin later this week.

This follows a series of lengthy delays seemingly caused by uncertainty between the two organisations over which held responsibility for carrying out the works (please see post dated Friday 22 May 2019 for background details).

Confirmation of scheduled repair works, along with an explanation for the delay, was received last week in an email from the Director of Communities and Customer Services at Believe Housing which is reproduced below in full:


I was passed your query below regarding the wall at Hillcrest Place and am now in a position to respond accordingly. The damaged wall is part of the publicly maintained adopted footpath which is DCC responsibility. This matter was discussed and agreed between Believe and DCC and we were assured that prompt action would be taken, like you we are keen to see this matter resolved.

JS from our team has contacted LP from DCC highways to raise both ours and your concerns and to understand why this issue has not been resolved. LP from DCC has apologised and assured us that works will commence within 5 to 7 working days;  he also stated that he will be actioning more works than he previously planned as the wall in question will have deteriorated further due to the length of time it has taken for DCC to action.

Due to the delay, it is our intention to follow this up with DCC to make sure that commencement on site is within the next 7 days and I will provide you with an update, so that you are able to respond to the residents. If you require any further detail from DCC on scope, reasons for delay etc. LP from DCC highways is leading on these works.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further concerns.

Kind Regards


I will publish any update reports from Believe Housing as and when I receive them.