Wednesday 28 August 2019

Controversial Castle Eden crematorium plans set to go ahead this Autumn

Notification has been received from the county council's planning office that works to construct a controversial crematorium on land at Castle Eden are expected to go ahead later this year.

This follows years of campaigning against the proposal by ourselves and the residents and businesses of the village, and the subsequent approval of the plans by a national planning inspector in 2016 (please see posts dated Friday 30 December 2016 and others for background details).

The confirmation received yesterday afternoon is reproduced below in full:

"I wanted to give you an early heads up that we have been contacted recently by a firm of architects who have been appointed to submit details to discharge the planning conditions on the crematorium permission, and that they have advised us that a contractor has been appointed and that they expect work to start on site in October".

It has not gone unnoticed that the access road to the development site was made the subject of a Traffic Regulation Order a few years ago by the police with the intention of addressing public concerns about persistent anti-social behaviour at the site, much of it of a serious sexual nature. This was one of our key objections to the crematorium plans going ahead and there is no evidence to suggest that these problems will not return once the access road is reopened to the public.

We have contacted the planning office today requesting advice on how the owners and developers intend to rescind this order and, perhaps most importantly, how residents will be engaged in the process and how they will be able to express their concerns about the potential implications of the road reopening. We will update on developments and any proposed next steps in due course.