Monday 20 May 2019

Planning application: Housing development south of Hesleden Road, Blackhall Colliery

We have received notification of a planning application seeking consent for a housing development on land to the south of Hesleden Road, Blackhall Colliery:

The following application has been received in your ward.

Application Ref: DM/19/01230/FPA

Site Address: Land To The South Of Hesleden Road Hesleden Road Blackhall Colliery TS27 4QW

Proposal: Erection of 123 No two storey, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom semi and detached dwellings with associated works.

Full details of the application is contained in the following link:

We are aware that a similar application was received and subsequently approved for a housing development on land at or near this location two years ago (see post dated Monday 9 January 2017 for background details) so we asked the planning case officer to comment on the differences between the two separate applications. This is the response we received:

The application relates to the erection of 123 dwellings to the south of Hesleden Road taking an access to the north.

There is an outline application for 97 dwellings which also relates to the same site and has a resolution to approve but is awaiting the signing of a Section 106 Agreement. The current application has been submitted by another applicant and no longer includes the provision of a roundabout on Hesleden Road which was a key feature of the previous outline application.

Representations on this planning application can be made on the council’s planning portal by using the link above.