Tuesday 19 March 2019

Temporary Public Footpath Closure at Hesleden

Notification has been received confirming that the closure order for Footpath 24 (Gray Avenue, Front Street, Haswell to Hart Walkway) has been extended until no later than February next year to allow for completion of works on site (please see post dated Thursday 21 February 2019 for background details).

The notification is reproduced below in full:

Footpath No 24 Monk Hesleden Parish, Hesleden
Temporary Public Footpath Closure
I refer to my previous correspondence relating to the temporary closure to pedestrian traffic of the 496 metre length of Footpath No 24 that extends southwards (crossing the Haswell-Hart Countryside Walkway) from its junction with Gray Avenue/Front Street, Hesleden.

As the works have not yet been completed it will be necessary to continue the closure in force by means of an extension of the Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.  The extended closure will be effective from 1 April 2019 up to the end of February 2020 or until the path is safe to re-open whichever is the sooner. This continuation has been approved by the Secretary of State for the Transport.

The alternative route for pedestrian traffic is from the northern side of the closure from Gray Avenue, easterly along Front Street, southerly on Station Road to the short section of Footpath No. 10 Monk Hesleden Parish leading to the Haswell-Hart Countryside Walkway mid-point southern side of the closure, and vice versa