Sunday 24 March 2019

Crimdon Regeneration Scheme receives a £1.3 million boost

During the course of last year we published a number of articles on this site about how we were working with Durham County Council and its partners to develop plans to regenerate Crimdon, including details of a scheme developed by the Heritage Coast Partnership to build new public facilities.

In particular we referred to a funding bid that the council and the partnership were putting together to submit to the Coastal Communities Fund (please see posts dated Wednesday 14 November, Thursday 26 April and Monday 19 March 2018 for background details).

Yesterday the Heritage Coast Partnership received confirmation that its bid to the government's Coastal Communities Fund had been successful, with funding totalling £1.325m awarded towards the scheme's total costs.

We now intend to maintain contact with the council and the partnership to discuss the next phases of the project. We will publish further information about the next steps of the scheme as soon as we have more details.