Friday 1 February 2019

Temporary road closure, Arnold Avenue, Blackhall Colliery

Highways network management officers are to notify affected residents of their intention to close off a section of Arnold Avenue later this weekend to enable urgent electricity supply repair works to take place:

Arnold Avenue, Blackhall Colliery
Temporary Road Closure

The County Council intend to close to vehicular traffic from 8.00 am on Sunday 3 February 2019 a 20 metre length of Arnold Avenue, Blackhall Colliery.
The closure, which is being effected by means of Notice under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, is necessary to enable urgent electricity supply repair works, which will probably take some 2 days to complete, to be carried out to that length of road.
Throughout the period of closure an alternative route will be available to vehicular traffic locally via A1086 Coast Road, Tenth Street and Shaftesbury Avenue