Thursday 11 October 2018

A Selective Licensing Scheme for County Durham moves a step closer

Earlier this year at a Blackhall PACT meeting we called on housing officers at Durham County Council (DCC) to consider a range of measures, including the introduction of a Selective Licensing Scheme, to help address a number of local issues related to private sector housing in the village (please see posts dated Friday 23 February & Friday 23 March 2018 for additional details).

Next week DCC's Cabinet will consider options in implementing a Selective Licensing Scheme to cover the entire county. Please see further details in the press release published below:

Selective licensing opportunities being exploredTitle

Opportunities for changing the way in which selective licensing is implemented are being explored by councillors next week.
On Wednesday, 17 October Durham County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to approve proposals to prepare a business case that would seek permission from the government to change the way in which selective licensing operates in County Durham.

The proposals will be for countywide implementation as the council recognises that some landlords operate throughout the county and not just in one designated area.

The number of privately rented properties in County Durham continues to rise and countywide selective licensing would give the council the power to regulate landlords and managing agents with the aim to increase standards and improve the management of privately rented properties.

The scheme would benefit all communities by increasing housing demand and reducing antisocial behaviour in areas where it is problematic, making safer, more desirable places to live. This could mean there would be a reduction in environmental costs and the costs of crime, such as street cleaning and tackling fly tipping.

There have already been three successful selective licensing designations in County Durham, these included Dean Bank in Ferryhill, Chilton West and Wembley in Easington Colliery which is due to end in June 2019.

At the moment the council already works closely with landlords that are registered with the voluntary landlord accreditation scheme and in future a discount could be offered on selective licensing fees to landlords already registered.

For landlords the scheme means that help and support is available to deal with problem tenants, access to a tenant referencing scheme that helps them vet prospective tenants is available, as well as access to an abundance of information and advice that aims to help people become better landlords.

Cllr Kevin Shaw, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for strategic housing and assets, said: “We have some excellent private landlords who we work with very closely but we have a large number of absent and irresponsible landlords who cause significant problems with poorly managed and maintained accommodation. This impacts upon its residents, our communities, and both our and our partner services. 

“The real practical problem we face in seeking to resolve this is we don’t know where all of these properties all are, we don’t know who the landlords are, and we can’t oversee any required and effective improvement without the necessary intelligence. This is why we are proposing a countywide selective licensing scheme.”
Selective licensing is already supported by Ron Hogg the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner for Durham, as well as by Phil Wilson MP who is currently taking a private members bill through parliament, seeking mandatory registration of landlords within the privately rented sector.

Ron Hogg, said: “Not knowing who owns a property can be a real barrier to police as they try to identify offenders. This proposal would make identification much easier, so it has the potential to make a significant inroad to levels of crime and anti-social behaviour across County Durham. I welcome it wholeheartedly.”

If approved a business case will be developed and reported to Cabinet in a future meeting prior to submission to government which have the final say on any countywide scheme.  

If you are a landlord and are interested in signing up for the voluntary private landlord accreditation scheme, visit for more information.