Friday 21 September 2018

Weather-related issues in the Blackhalls Ward

As you will no doubt be aware the weather conditions last night were a bit lively, with rain and strong winds lashing our villages for most of the night. This resulted in some of the villages in our area losing electricity supplies overnight. Most of the homes in the Colliery streets had power back by 5.30 am but some parts of our villages remained in the dark.

For power/electricity queries please go to:

Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery after heavy rainfall on a previous occasion

Today of course is also our bin collection day. As usual many households put their bins out last night, perhaps not expecting the winds to be so strong. Unfortunately some of those bins have blown over and litter and debris has been left strewn along some of our streets.

We have submitted a request for the streets to be cleared as soon as possible after the bins have been collected. For information the CRM serial number, which enables you to check progress online is: FS-Case-30863344. However, there is sure to be considerable weather-related damage across the whole county so please allow time for the clean and green team to get around to clearing our streets.

Any additional concerns about litter, missed bins and other council-related matters should be directed through the council's website at: