Tuesday 4 September 2018

Hardwick Street road-works update

We were contacted yesterday by residents in Hardwick Street querying the reason for the suspension of road-works in the area for what they had been told were "health & safety" reasons.

Following our enquiries we have received the following update from highways engineers:

As discussed this morning we geared up to start the preparation works for miles macadam at Hardwick Street yesterday morning and informed the residents of this last week.

Upon arrival to site yesterday various health and safety issues were brought to light, the main issues were keeping traffic moving safely in and out of the street whilst the works are carried out and the volume of double parked cars within the areas of the street not affected directly by the works. Please bear in mind the works detailed are far more than preparation works and actually entail reconstructing the carriageway full width in lengths of approx. 15m, 30m and 50m+ this alone means breaking out and removing over 550 tonnes of tarmac and concrete through the narrow streets.

A letter was issued yesterday to inform residents that works were temporarily suspended due to health and safety implications.

I am arranging a meeting with the designers to discuss operationally how we are expected to complete this work safely with minimal impact to road users and residents.

We will publish details of rescheduled works as soon as we receive confirmation from highways engineers.