Friday 16 March 2018

Police confirm details of this month's Blackhall PACT meeting

The police have released details of the Blackhall PACT meeting for March. Please note the change of venue and please also note that this PACT meeting will deal with police matters in the Blackhalls, Hesleden and Castle Eden areas only:

As those who attended the February PACT meeting will be aware it was made clear that if we are to properly tackle crime and anti-social behaviour problems in our community we must persist in reporting all incidents of crime and disorder (please see the article dated Friday 23 February 2018 for our report on the February PACT meeting).

So when you come to the meeting next week please make sure you bring along with you details of any report you might have submitted to the police (ie, the type and location of the crime or anti-social behaviour, along with the time and date the incident was reported). In this way we'll be able to accurately identify a trend with the police on reported crime figures since the February meeting and also monitor the effectiveness of police recording systems.

Crucially, if you've reported an incident of crime or anti-social behaviour that has not had a police response without a valid reason please make every effort to come along to the PACT meeting next week with full details as described above.

Since the last PACT meeting was held in the Resource Centre on 22 February we have continued to work alongside county council officers to deal with any local authority-related matters such as environmental and street scene reports (mainly those associated with fly-tipping, littering and dog fouling). Again, if you've reported any matters to the council that haven't had a response please come along on Thursday with full details (or if you can't get there simply let us know and we'll raise the matter on your behalf).

In relation to ongoing environmental issues in the village we'll be taking part soon in an additional environment-focused walkabout in the village (following on from the one we held with the police and neighbourhood wardens in January) to help in monitoring progress on issues raised by members of the public. We will also use the walkabout to assess the impact of the ongoing Clean-Up initiative currently active in the village from Tuesday 13 to Friday 16 March (please see the article dated Tuesday 6 March 2018 for background details).

We look forward to seeing another strong turnout from local people at the next PACT meeting. Evidence shows that the most effective way of tackling crime is to have strong reporting systems in place and to stand together as a community against those who have no respect for our villages and their people.