Thursday 12 October 2017

Hesleden Pit Heap - monitor and update report

For some time we've been monitoring progress on the removal of waste from the pit heap in Hesleden (please type "Hesleden pit heap" into the search bar for background information).

At the outset developers established a liaison committee, including representation from the company, parish councils, county council, police, local residents and ourselves to oversee progress on the scheme to remove spoil from the pit heap.

The liaison committee met yesterday to offer the latest update:

  • the entire B1281, from Gray Avenue in Hesleden to the A19 interchange at Wellfield has been inspected by the company to assess the highway condition as it is now to enable it to be brought back up to a decent standard on completion of works. An update was also given on measures in place to mitigate the impact of traffic flow from the works site to the A19, and especially as it travels along Gray Avenue

  • the company has been asked to consider making improvements to the highway at the bottom of Station Road, which is now the advised detour route for walkers during the period of works. They are also to consider improving access restrictions at the private road/footpath leading from Hesleden WMC onto the site to prevent illegal access

  • we have also asked that the company maintain contact with the highways authority (DCC) and the traffic management office at Durham police to ensure that any highways related incident can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. The company has also agreed to make contact information readily available to members of the public to enable queries and complaints to be addressed without unnecessary delay

We will continue to monitor works at the site and report any significant developments as they arise. In the meantime we have published below an updated schedule of works for information: