Wednesday 17 May 2017

Update on proposed Hazel Drive traffic calming scheme

Earlier this year, following calls from residents to have traffic calming measures installed at Hazel Drive, we secured significant funding to enable the scheme to go ahead subject to consultation with residents (please see post dated Friday 27 January 2017 for full background details).

Because the initial project was first suggested some time ago we have asked officers in the county highways section for an update on progress and we've received the following reply:

The current position is that we are progressing the scheme and the response has been positive. All consultation periods have ended and there is a 92% response in favour of the scheme.

I have written to the objectors addressing their issues and asking that they inform me whether they are willing to remove their objection. I have given them until the end of the month to respond.

In order to save time I have prepared the necessary reports to do the legal work which are being progressed before the above deadline. I do not expect any further objections to the legal notice once this has been advertised – the legal notice is advertised for 21 days.

Assuming the objectors remove their objections, we will be able to order the works within a few days of the end of the legal notice. 

If however, the objectors continue, then we will have to prepare reports and place the scheme before Highways Committee.

Clearly the preferred route would be to proceed with the scheme with the full support of all residents. However if the outstanding issues cannot be overcome by agreement the matter will be referred to the highways committee at county hall for a decision.

Unfortunately if the scheme cannot go ahead the funding set aside will be lost.