Thursday 6 April 2017

Work schedule to address environmental issues at Crimdon

Earlier this week we reported on a number of environmental issues at Crimdon (please see post dated Monday 3 April 2017 for background details).

We now have an update from officers at the Heritage Coast Partnership on a schedule of works to tackle the issues that were initially reported. We have published full details below for information:

Repairs to the missing blocks at the top of the path, slipped flag stones part way down the path and spading off of the path sides will begin Monday 10 April. When the blocks and flags are being replaced, the steps will need to be temporarily closed to keep the area safe whilst work is carried out

To maintain the clearance of the paths over the summer period John Fenwick’s team is arranging for the Probation teams they work with to keep an eye on them

Repair to the railings will take longer as the parts need to be sourced. John Fenwick will update on timings once the welder knows when he will have the parts to make the repair

We will continue to monitor and report on progress.