Monday 3 April 2017

Environmental issues at Crimdon

Following reports recently of a number of environmental issues at Crimdon we contacted officers from the county council and the Heritage Coast Partnership to press for repair works to be carried out as soon as possible and also to enquire about the timescales involved.

The team has responded to our query and we have reproduced their comments below. We will watch out for improvement works and update on progress in due course:

The issue of the hand rail repairs, dog waste and path repairs are the responsibility of Clean and Green (Grounds) team. I spoke with the area supervisor last week and am meeting him on site this Wednesday. We aim for the repairs to be complete this week but it may be early next week before the rail and flags are repaired.

Changes to the steps at the bottom and the central boardwalk will take longer with work not physically taking place until late September. This is down to a number of reasons including the permitted timings for such work given the areas designations as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Area of Conservation. The work I’m doing now with Natural England and all the teams will ensure everything is in place for when the work can be done.

Please see our report dated Sunday 2 April 2017 for background information on the Crimdon Investment Project which is intended as a longer-term plan for improving services and facilities at Crimdon.