Thursday 17 November 2016

Environmental issues

Each month either one of us or both of us meets with the parish clerk and members of the parish council's environment sub-committee to coordinate our approach to addressing a number of environmental issues across the parish area.

Issues vary widely and range from planning enforcement, flooding and drainage, litter, dog-fouling, fly-tipping, grass-cutting, street lighting and the general appearance of our villages, all matters that we know are a priority for residents in the parish area.

At the monthly meeting for November, held last week, we took a closer look at a number of issues. Although the following list is by no means exhaustive, these are among some of the more pressing matters for our area at the moment:

Flooding at the entrance to the Co-op store in Middle Street: this is a long running issue with a lengthy history of remedial works (please see image above). The highways section has now confirmed that further works, including drainage and gully investigation and repairs, will be given priority.

Surface water along Middle Street: reports have been received of flooding and surface water at various points along Middle Street, including a particularly persistent area at the top of Fifth Street. We have reported these incidents to the drainage department for investigation.

Eighth Street resurfacing: the poor condition of the road surface was reported for assessment earlier this year but was not deemed to be in need of immediate repair. We have asked that a re-assessment be carried out.

Fly-tipping in rear yards of private properties: sadly this is another recurring problem throughout the village, particularly amongst the former colliery housing stock which is now predominantly in the private-rented sector. We have asked that landlords be identified and requested to secure rear yards against fly-tipping where this is presenting a problem.

Problem parking at Primrose Court: this issue is currently with the police, East Durham Homes and DVLA for their attention.

Traffic flow through Blackhall: we have contacted the highways section and Durham police to ask that a survey be carried out in Blackhall to assess the volume, speed and type of traffic coming through the village. Both agencies have agreed to our request, and have confirmed that a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week traffic monitoring survey will be carried out. The findings from the survey will guide the council and police on which measures, if any, will be recommended to tackle any traffic related issues identified.

Footpaths at Corry Close: the poor condition of the footpaths around this area have been reported for assessment and repair.

Various street lighting and road surface issues: by their nature, these are ongoing matters and we report damage and faults on a daily basis to the relevant departments for assessment and repair work.

There are many other issues we both deal with on a daily basis, and reports on most of these can be found elsewhere on this site. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if there are any matters in your area that you think we might be able to help with. We can be contacted on social media (Facebook and Twitter) or at: or