Sunday 23 October 2016

Traffic survey in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

Having noticed what seems to be a significant change in the type and volume of traffic passing through Blackhall recently we've contacted the highways department at county hall and the traffic management section of Durham police to ask for a traffic survey to be carried out.

Both have confirmed that a full-scale, week-long survey will be done along the A1086, the findings of which will guide the police and council on which actions, if any, need to be taken to ensure the safety of residents and motorists in this area.

We have also asked that parking enforcement officers give some attention to illegal parking outside the shopping area in Middle Street. This follows complaints we've received from shop owners and pedestrians about near-misses as vehicles mount the kerb to park.

We have published below the response we've received from the police confirming steps to be taken in addressing our concerns:

It appears from your e-mail that there are two issues to be addressed namely that of speeding and parking.

Ordinarily we would consider the use of Community Speed Watch in the area to gain an idea of the current extent of the problem. However, with regard to Middle Street there is not really suitable deployment locations. Given this, as I have no current speed data to hand, I will request DCC undertakes a full 7 day 24 hour speed survey. From the results we can then see the level of offending and decide what, if any, action can be taken to address local concerns in this matter.

As the majority of the area is governed by parking restrictions I will refer this aspect of your concerns to the Parking Services team at Durham County Council to consider enforcement attention.
In relation to parking obstruction, I’m sure Ian will act accordingly if he witnesses any offences during his patrols in the locality.

Will re-contact you once I’m in receipt of the speed survey data.


Traffic Management Officer
Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit
Wesleyan Road
Co. Durham