Tuesday 27 September 2016

UPDATE: Broadband at Hesleden and Castle Eden

We wrote recently to the BT regional director to tell him about our concerns over the continuing impasse regarding broadband provision in parts of our county ward, mainly in High Hesleden, Hesleden, Castle Eden and parts of Blackhall (please see posts dated Monday 18 January, Sunday 31 July & Thursday 1 September 2016 for background information on our campaign so far).

We have now received a response from BT which we have published below in full:. 

Hello Rob & Lynn

Thanks for getting in touch. The information you have is correct, this cabinet is not in the Digital Durham programme because it is in the area covered by BT’s own plans.

Our commercial rollout was largely completed some time ago before the BDUK projects such as Digital Durham started – the purpose of them is to fill in the gaps not covered by commercial operators such as BT and other providers. Unfortunately, some cabinets were delayed in our commercial rollout by complexities that emerged once we started the installation planning. In the vast majority of cases these were due to very high costs of getting a power supply, and sometimes involve wayleaves over private land for ourselves or the power company. Wellfield 9 is one of these.

When the BDUK programmes were at the peak of their activity last year we took the decision to put these delayed cabinets on hold so as not to miss the contractual deadlines for Digital Durham and others. We are now returning to complete the commercial rollout. Often this means a substantial re-plan such as moving the cabinet location to overcome the earlier problems. We aim to do this over the next 2 financial years, and if any cabinets prove to be commercially impossible then we will work closely with Digital Durham to bring them into the subsidised programme if we can, to make sure we don’t leave communities behind.

However I’m afraid I can’t give you any good news on when we will upgrade Wellfield 9. It’s not in the plans for the current year to March 2017, but should be put in the work plan for the following year 2017-18. I know this won’t be welcome news to the community but I hope it makes the situation clearer. If residents or businesses have speeds below 2Mbps now, they are eligible for a voucher scheme from Digital Durham to help with the cost of installing other technologies such as satellite broadband which, while not as good as fibre, can meet the needs of most users. Using the voucher won’t affect our commercial plans for Wellfield 9 and doesn’t affect future eligibility for public subsidy for fibre if it’s needed.


Simon Roberson, Regional Partnership Director
0331 654 0955  |  @SimonRoberson

We acknowledge the financial considerations and timescales associated with a commercial programme operated by a private company, but we cannot accept the reasoning they apply in justifying the dreadful broadband provision many people and businesses in our villages currently receive from BT. At the very least we need to know why the Wellfield 9 cabinet which serves our villages cannot be upgraded sooner, either by BT or as part of the subsidised Digital Durham/Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) programme. 

We will continue to pursue a solution to this problem. We have again contacted the Digital Durham team and the head of ICT at county hall to ask for their advice on a way forward in securing a fair deal for the businesses and residents of our villages. We will update on progress in due course.