Thursday 22 September 2016

Unsafe road junction at Hesleden

Earlier this year we expressed our disappointment at the news that planning permission had been granted to remove the pit heap at Hesleden. One of our main concerns was of road safety at the junction of Gray Avenue and the B1281 road linking Blackhall Colliery with Castle Eden (please see post dated Wednesday 6 January 2016 for full details of our objections).

With this in mind we were dismayed to see that an accident occurred this morning at precisely this location. We are told that fortunately there were no serious reported injuries as a result of the 3-vehicle collision but it does serve to prove the point that visibility at this junction is very poor.

We note that the developer who wishes to remove the pit heap must first prove to the council that the junction at Gray Avenue can be made completely safe before conditions can be lifted and full permission can be granted to go ahead. 

We have written to the planning office at county hall to insist that this incident is recorded on the case file for future reference. We will also make sure that this is taken into consideration if and when the developer comes forward with plans to improve visibility at this location.