Friday 30 September 2016

Delays to streetlight repairs in Blackhall Colliery

Back in July this year we reported faulty streetlights for repair in East Street. There have been repair works carried out to these lights but with limited and intermittent success so we have made repeated requests for updates on progress.

We have now been informed that because the faults are related to the infrastructure - rather than the lamp standards themselves - they were passed to Northern Power Grid in August for repair. Unfortunately NPG has a response time of 35 days meaning that repairs may not be carried out until as late as 18 October. 

We are aware that there have also been lengthy delays to streetlight repairs in some other parts of the village - notably West Street and Hardwick Street - and we have been told that that for the same reason these are awaiting repair by NPG.

We have also recently reported faulty streetlights for repair in Third Street and Eighth Street. There is a possibility that these faults may be related to those in nearby East Street so we'll continue to press for regular updates on progress.