Sunday 31 July 2016

The Somme commemorated at Blackhall library

On Thursday 28 July we went along to the Somme commemoration event organised by the Blackhalls Local History Group and held at Blackhall library.

The event was well attended and included talks on the Somme by local historian Tom Smith and also local writer AAG (Andy) Whitehead, author of Pals.

Both Tom and Andy talked of tales from the Somme, some amusing, some shocking and some absolutely tragic, but all a fitting tribute to the bravery of the lads and lasses who fought courageously and gave their lives during one of the most brutal episodes of World War One.

Our thanks go to the members of the Blackhalls Local History Group who work tirelessly to provide events like this one, and also to Carol Close and the staff at Blackhall library for once again making sure that the venue and facilities at the library are second to none.