Tuesday 26 July 2016

Full details of the Castle Eden crematorium appeal hearing

Following our recent reports on this site about the forthcoming Castle Eden crematorium appeal hearing (please see posts dated Wednesday 13 and Wednesday 20 July 2016we have now received formal notification and full details of the hearing.

We have published these below in full:


Application reference:              DM/15/01841/FPA
Appeal reference:                      APP/X1355/W/16/3148225
Name of appellant:                    Dignity Plc

Site:                                             Land To North  Of Castle Eden Brewery Castle Eden

Proposed development:            Erection of new cremation facility comprising a crematorium building, new access road, car parking facilities, ancillary external areas including gardens and pond

Appeal Start Date:                      20 April 2016

I am writing to notify you of the arrangements that have been made for the hearing to be held regarding the appeal by Dignity Plc against the Councils decision to refuse planning permission.

The hearing will start at 10:00 on 15 September 2016 at Castle Eden Village Hall Stockton Road  Castle Eden  Durham  TS27 4SD.

The Inspector J Price BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI DMS appointed by the Secretary of State under paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 6 of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 will attend to hear representations and thereafter will decide the appeal.

Members of the public may attend the hearing and, at the Inspector’s discretion, express their views. Castle Eden Village Hall has access for disabled people. However if you, or anyone you know has a disability and is concerned about facilities at the hearing venue, you should contact the Council to confirm that suitable provisions are in place. Public parking is available.

Copies of the questionnaire completed by the County Council, the Council’s and the appellant’s Statements and any future comments are available for inspection online at http://publicaccess.durham.gov.uk/online-applications/ using reference DM/15/01841/FPA.

The decision will be published on the link above and on https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/

Should you require any further information please contact the Development Control section on the above telephone number.