Wednesday 13 July 2016

Castle Eden crematorium: Planning Inspector calls for public hearing

A few months ago we wrote on this site about another appeal by Dignity plc against Durham County Council's decision to refuse consent to build a crematorium at Castle Eden. We also published a full transcript of our objections to Dignity plc's proposals (please see post dated Wednesday 27 April 2016 for background details).

Dignity plc propose to build a crematorium on land directly alongside Castle Eden Golf Club

Officers from the planning department at county hall have contacted us again today to inform us that the national planning inspector has ruled that the appeal must now be heard by a full public hearing, rather than by written representations which was the preferred option for Dignity plc.

We have been told that the public hearing is likely to be held in Castle Eden sometime in September this year, and as soon as we have further details we will make arrangements to get together with the parish council, residents and local organisations to agree a way forward. 

Once again we will stand together with the community to convince the planning inspector that Dignity plc's proposals for a crematorium in Castle Eden are ill-conceived, unworkable, unnecessary and unwanted. And who knows, this time around even Dignity plc might get the message!