Sunday 13 March 2016

Drainage and flooding reports in Blackhall Colliery

Following significant rainfall earlier this week we received reports of flooding and surface water in two separate locations in Blackhall Colliery, both with a considerable history of similar problems.

We have asked highways and drainage engineers to take a look at flooding behind Hardwick Court and then take whichever measures are necessary to reduce the risk of further flooding.

Surface water earlier this week at Hardwick Court & Fifth Street

We also received reports of surface water outside the main entrance to the Co-op store where highway-planing works were carried out recently to address a problem we've been reporting for some time now (please see post dated Friday 15 January 2016 for background information).

We have asked highways and drainage engineers to call out and carry out further investigations into this persistent problem, and also to consider putting another drain into the roadside which we believe would alleviate surface water gathering at this location. 

We have again told the council of the frustrations of staff and customers, and also of the negative impact highway flooding is having on business at the Co-op. We have also asked for an explanation for the constant delay in finding a solution to this problem.
The highway this morning outside the Co-op in Middle Street