Thursday 19 November 2015

Calls for more efficient street light repairs

We have become increasingly concerned recently about the council's failure to react to requests for street light repairs in our villages. 

Consequently we have written this morning to the street lighting engineer and relevant director at county hall asking them for an explanation for the delays to repair requests and also an indication of which measures the council proposes to take to rectify this problem.

The A1086 and B1281 junction in darkness at 6.40 this morning (Thursday 19 November)
(Taken from Chicken's Green, Emmerson Court can be seen at the left of the image with St Joseph's RC church to the right)

Please see below our correspondence to the street lighting engineer and director of neighbourhood services at county hall:

Despite repeated requests for street lighting repairs over many weeks we are seeing no progress whatsoever in Blackhall Colliery. There is one recent incident which gives us particular concern:

We came past the busy A1086/B1281 junction at St Joseph's in Blackhall at 6.30 yesterday morning (18 November) and there was very nearly a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian. This was caused undoubtedly by the junction being in complete darkness and we are concerned that it is only a matter of time before someone is killed or seriously injured because of street lighting faults. The fault here has been reported yet there have been no repairs nor has there been an explanation for any delay.

There are also further examples of individual street lights in the area which are reported for repair but which remain in darkness for weeks on end. We are then left to try and explain the lack of activity on the council’s part and we are running short of excuses to the point it becomes embarrassing to have to continuously defend the council’s position. One particular example is street light No819 at the corner of Fifth Street and the rear of East Street in Blackhall Colliery. We have reported this for repair on three separate occasions over the past three weeks (in addition to previous reports from residents in the area) yet the street remains in darkness, without explanation.

We would be grateful if you could let us know the reasons behind these persistent delays in street light repairs and also advise of what the council intends to do to rectify this particularly irritating and dangerous problem.