Saturday 2 May 2015

Hesleden: Ward surgery issues

We had a very busy time at Hesleden Methodists' chapel on Thursday morning when we held our monthly (and on this occasion, informal) ward surgery.

The following matters were raised with us:

Residents reported concerns about the condition of the boundary wall at the western edge of the former garage site at Hillcrest Place. A couple of years ago we had the land graded and the long wall reduced in height to prevent children falling and also to make the area look a little better (please see post dated 24 April 2013 for further details). This scheme made a real difference but there are reports now that the higher wall at the edge is unsightly and unsafe. We have contacted the county council and, because this is used as an informal play area for children, we have asked for urgent repairs to be carried out to make the wall safe.

The unsafe and unsightly wall at the former garage site at Hillcrest Place
We also had reports of a damaged and unsafe manhole cover on the corner of the green at Hillcrest Place and Station Road. This has also been reported to the county council who will identify the owners of the manhole cover and ask them to arrange for repairs to be carried out as soon as possible.

The broken manhole cover on the corner of Hillcrest Place and Station Road
Residents also reported a number of environmental issues ranging from the missing litter bin on Front Street to the unsightly condition of some, mainly privately-owned, parts of the village. We have reported these matters to the relevant sections at the county council and we will monitor progress and update you as soon as we have news.

The Hesleden ward surgery is held at Hesleden Methodists' chapel hall on the last Thursday of each month from 9.30 am to 11.00 am.