Sunday 26 April 2015

International Workers Memorial Day

We will be at the International Workers Memorial Day commemoration event in Hartlepool on Tuesday 28 April to lay a wreath on behalf the Blackhall Banner Group in remembrance of all those workers who have died at work as a result of accident or industrial disease.

As a mark of respect and solidarity the Blackhall NUM banner will be on display in Christchurch, Hartlepool throughout the service. The event is open to all and we have been given the following information from the organisers:

Workers Memorial Day Remembrance Service 2015
Hartlepool Trades Union Council (HTUC) organises a Workers Memorial Day Remembrance Service & Wreath Laying Ceremony in Hartlepool (first held in 1999) on International Workers Memorial Day, the 28th April, of each year to remember those employees who have died through Industrial Accident or Disease whilst trying to earn an honest living for themselves and their families.

The confirmed speakers for the 2015 International Workers Memorial Day Remembrance Service, Tuesday 28th April 2015, 12.30pm, Christchurch, Church Square, Hartlepool are:-  

·         Hugh Scullion, General Secretary, CSEU
·         Fintan Hurley, Scientific Director, Institute of Occupational Medicine
·         Glen Williams, Chair, UNISON Service Group Executive

Special Guest:- Trevor Burden (bereaved family member) will be saying a few words prior to the wreath laying ceremony and will lay a wreath.

Ian Wright MP, Shadow Minister for Competitiveness & Enterprise will be giving a reading during the Service.

Rosie Upton (, folk singer, will be performing three songs she has specially chosen for Workers Memorial Day

It is likely that over 30 wreaths will be laid by individuals and organisations and we will be providing individual flowers so anybody attending the service can lay a flower at the Workers Memorial in memory of a loved one.

All attendees will be welcome to attend the Workers Memorial Day Remembrance Service & Wreath Laying Ceremony, Tuesday 28th April 2015. 12.30pm, Christchurch (TIC & Art Gallery), Church Square, Hartlepool